Book Cameisha to Speak

Thought Life Confessions Book Relaunch Day









Pre-Order Your Copy of Thought Life Confessions for the Holidays. Shipping Will Start the Week of December 1st

To Deepen Your Learning Experience Consider Anxiety Psychoeducation Groups at Brewer Therapy & Associates


In the Thought Life Confessions Book you will learn...

  • Cameisha's FAIL framework for ultimate success
  • Key strategies to learn to manage your anxiety as you're creating success
  • Ways to help you manage the rush life and not be overwhelmed
  • Tips to help you unlock mindset blocks that have been holding you back for years
  • Real life case studies of successful women who were struggling with their thought life and the exact strategies Cameisha provided
  • How to handle life when things start going really, really, unbelievably well and you're on the verge of champagne problems
  • Thought provoking stories to channel your inner courage, be inspired, laugh, and mentally level up!


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