Create, Launch, & Sell Workshop for Licensed Mental Health Professionals

Hosted by Cameisha Brewer Dickerson Ed.S, LPC

Psychotherapist, Speaker, 2x Author, Business & Marketing Consultant for Therapists

*The workshop is available every 20 minutes. If you need a different time, check back later today. 









Create, Launch, & Sell Your Course or Signature Program as a Licensed Therapist

Are you a therapist looking to take your practice to new heights? Do you dream of reaching more clients, making a greater impact, and expanding your income streams? Look no further – our Create, Launch, and Sell Workshop is tailor-made for you!

Register for the Workshop Here

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Learn How To

✅ Understand the REAL reason you aren’t feeling confident about creating your offer and what to do about it! 

Learn How To

✅ Make quicker decisions and overcome the fear of packaging your expertise!

Learn How To

✅ Trust yourself more and finally get unstuck from not being paid what you deserve! 

Why should licensed mental health therapists package their expertise anyway?


  1. Expand Your Reach: By packaging your expertise into a course or signature program, you can reach a wider audience beyond your immediate geographical location. Break free from the confines of traditional therapy settings and connect with clients globally.

  2. Multiply Your Impact: Imagine the impact of helping not just one client at a time, but dozens, hundreds, or even thousands. By creating a course or program, you can share your knowledge with a broader audience, making a meaningful difference in more lives.

  3. Diversify Your Income: Relying solely on one-on-one sessions can limit your earning potential. By offering a course or program, you can create multiple streams of income, providing financial stability and freedom.

  4. Establish Authority: Packaging your expertise elevates your status as an authority in your field. It showcases your unique approach, methods, and insights, positioning you as a leader and expert in your niche.

Sign Up For the Workshop

Grab your spot for the Create, Launch, & Sell Workshop for Licensed Mental Health Therapists

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